What happened to Michael Isaac?

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While he was on a short trip, visiting Bethel, Alaska, Michael Isaac went missing. That was on November 2nd. He was found on November 29th.

Five months have passed since then. His family has still not seen the autopsy or arrests.

Michael was a firefighter, the son of a priest, a beloved son and the father of a three year old. Theresa Isaac, Michael’s mom, believes Michael was murdered. She saw his body, she’s thought deeply about the circumstances. She can’t see any other way this could have happened. She wants justice. Theresa said she’s finally able to talk about it.

Read the full transcript here.

My previous coverage:

Jason Isaac, Michael’s Dad, on his son’s body’s return to his home village Marshall

Bethel Search and Rescues recover a body near Brown’s Slough

Michael Isaac’s uncle Jackie George, on the search for his nephew.

© Sunniva Bean, 2024.

Theresa and Jason Isaac at the MMIP march in Marshall, AK, on May 3 2024.

Photo: courtesy of Theresa Isaac

April 29, 2024